Blue Topaz Meanings

Enhancement of mind and communication

Chakras: Throat, third eye

Element: Fire

Birthstone: August, November, December

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Virgo

Wedding Anniversary: 4th year – Blue Topaz, 23rd & 50th year – Imperial Topaz

Number: 1

Blue Topaz Crystal Healing Properties

Blue Topaz is thought to reflect the energy of the mind and knowledge. Similarly, it may gently facilitate the communication of visions and knowledge to others. In addition, this crystal is believed to stimulate our ability to learn and think through complex concepts and ideas. It may help calm the mind for meditation and soothe the emotional body. Also, Blue Topaz is believed to support the general health of the neck and throat.

History and Uses

There are different ideas about the origin of the name Topaz. Some believe it is named after the island of Topazios, now called Zabargad, in the Red Sea where Chrysolite was mined. The ancient Greeks named the island, which means “to seek”, possibly because it was difficult to find in the mists. Contrarily, others believe the name Topaz comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word “tapas” meaning fire or heat, referring to the golden colour of Imperial Topaz.

Similarly, Ancient Egyptians and Romans associated Golden or Imperial Topaz with the sun god because of its colour. Ancient Greeks believed it could increase men’s strength and virility. In ancient Indian tradition, it was believed to activate the throat chakra, enhancing self-expression. Nowadays, Topaz can be irradiated and heat treated to enhance the colour of the stone.

Furthermore, Topaz comes in a range of colours, including colourless (white) to yellow, orange, red-brown, light to dark-blue, pink to red, violet and light-green.

Geological Description

Topaz is an aluminium silicate fluoride hydroxide crystal with a hardness of 8. It is found in the USA, Brazil, Africa, Sri Lanka, Russia, Burma, Australia, Japan, Madagascar and Mexico.


I perceive and express my intuitive insights with clarity and precision.