Carnelian Meanings

Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action

Chakras: Base, sacral, solar plexus

Element: Fire

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo

Birthstone: May, July, August

Wedding Anniversary: 17th year

Number: 5

Carnelian Crystal Healing Properties

Carnelian is thought to be a stone of action. It is believed to help us ‘take the leap’ and manifest our thoughts and desires. Also, it helps one to overcome fear and embrace change and transformation. Similarly, it is a stone of leadership and courage. Carnelian is believed to strengthen and fortify the physical body, bringing vitality and detoxification.

History and Uses

This crystal varies in colour from pale to deep orange and can often be banded. It’s name is said to derive from the Latin word ‘cornum’, a type of red cherry. Traditionally, it was believed to bring courage in battle to the wearer. Also it was thought to help timid speakers become bold and eloquent. In ancient Egypt it was called ‘the setting sun’. Similarly, it was believed to protect against accidents and master architects wore Carnelian to denote their rank. Similarly, in Ancient Rome it was thought to bring prosperity and good fortune. Likewise, hot wax doesn’t stick to Carnelian so it was often used as a carved signet ring for sealing documents. In conclusion, if you need some inspiration to put your dreams into action, Carnelian is thought to be an excellent healing crystal to help you achieve your goals.

Geological Description

Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony, a mineral of the quartz family with a hardness of 7. The quartz in Chalcedony forms in fibrous layers, unlike the sugar-like grains found in Jasper. Carnelian is found in India, Brazil and Uruguay.


I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I take action with confidence and power