Cathedral Quartz Meanings

Inner guidance, access to spiritual information, multidimensional consciousness

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric and Transpersonal

Element: Storm, Wind

Zodiac Signs: All

Number: 4

Cathedral Quartz Crystal Healing Properties

Cathedral Quartz teaches the necessity of moving beyond individualism and into cooperative group growth, and to this end is excellent for group healing or creating spiritual communities. Used in meditation, it creates a safe, structured energetic environment to explore the higher realms. Cathedral Quartz can assist in maintaining spiritual growth and forward progress in ones life.

 History and Uses

Cathedral Quartz is also  referred to as a Light Library or Cathedral Lightbrary (Lightbrury). Reminiscent of turrets on an ancient castle or cathedral, they can often look as if they are made up of many different crystals but they all form parts of one main crystal. These crystals hold a record of all that has occurred on Earth, by meditating with one of these amazing crystals it is possible to attune to the Universal Mind and access the Akashic records.

 Geological Description

Quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is hexagonal which grows lesser points along the body of the main crystal, running parallel and partially embedded. It comes from Brazil, Madagascar, Africa, Russia and Switzerland.


I move beyond my personal needs to connect with my soul’s purpose