Libyan Desert Glass Meanings

Confidence, mental acuity, psychic protection, access to Akashic records, manifestation, realisation of personal potential

Chakras: All

Elements: Fire, Storm

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Gemini

Numbers: 4 & 6

Libyan Desert Glass Healing Properties

Libyan Gold Tektite’s vitalising energy is believed to help shy people come out of their shells. Also, it is thought to help strengthen our energy field, will and powers of creativity and manifestation. Many use it as a tool to aid in accessing the Akashic Records, early Egyptian civilisations or extra terrestrial connections. Lastly, it is believed to stimulate digestion, metabolism and the endocrine system and as such, may activate all the chakras.

History and Uses

This stone has been prised since ancient times. As such, it was used in many significant carvings, especially in jewellery form. Most notably, this tektite was found carved into the shape of scarab beetles in Tutankhamen’s tomb.

Geological Description

Libyan Gold Tektite is also called Libyan Desert Glass. It is found in the Sahara Desert in Libya and Western Egypt. As such, it is a glassy yellow silicon dioxide material with a hardness of 5 to 6.

Furthermore, it is believed to have formed 29 million years ago from a meteorite impact melting the desert sand. However, like its sister tektite Moldavite, its origin is unclear and shrouded in mystery. To explore this tektite in more depth, we highly recommend reading this geological research article which brings to light many of its mysteries.


I claim my rightful personal power, drawing on my recalled knowledge and wisdom gained through many lives, and I use it to manifest the highest good.