Ocean Jasper Meanings

Letting go, patience, tranquillity

Chakras: Heart

Element: Earth, Water

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Birthstone: January, March, October

Number: 44

Ocean Jasper Crystal Healing Properties

Ocean Jasper is helpful in dealing with change and reminds us to love ourselves and others. As an emotional healer it can help us to gently release deeply buried feelings. Ocean Jasper is very supportive during times of stress and encourages patience. It can aid the achievement of tranquillity and wholeness. Ocean Jasper balances Yin and Yang and aligns the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies with the etheric realm. This stone is thought to protect one from malice from others.

 History and Uses

The name Jasper is derived from a Greek word meaning “spotted stone” and may have referred to an ancient Persian word yashp. There are many types of Jasper with a wide variety of colours and patterns. Ocean Jasper is also called Atlantis stone or Sea Jasper and is a recently found rare stone which is mined from along the seashore in north west Madagascar.

 Geological Description

Jasper is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 6.5 to 7. It is found all over the world, including large deposits in India, Russia, Brazil, France, Germany and the USA.


My vitality, emotional balance and clarity of mind grow stronger every day.