Rutilated Quartz Meanings

Programmable for attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanding awareness, quickening and grounding manifestation

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Taurus, Gemini

Number: 4

Rutilated Quartz Crystal Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz is believed to ground light energy into the physical body and activate the higher mind. Rutiles of red-brown are thought to assist in removing blockages to health and abundance. Meanwhile, gold rutile is believed to activate one’s creativity and can aid in receiving Divine inspiration. Lastly, silver rutile is thought to enhance intuitive abilities. All colours of Rutile inclusion will help to increase clarity and concentration. These are the perfect crystals to program with your intention. The metallic Rutile inclusions act to amplify the energy of the Quartz.

History and Uses

This crystal has also been referred to as Angel Hair Quartz because the inclusions of titanium oxide look like strands of hair. Rutilated Quartz can be found in the form of Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz and less commonly Amethyst.  It is believed that the inclusions of Rutile act as a type of spiritual antenna and so it is often used in meditation to connect with spirit guides, expand consciousness and develop psychic abilities.

Geological Description

Rutilated Quartz is a combination of Smoky or Clear Quartz with inclusions of titanium oxide which look like fine metallic silver, gold or copper coloured hairs. It has a hardness of 7 and is mostly found in Brazil and Madagascar.


All my positive intentions and the unfolding of my purpose are magnified, accelerated, attuned to the frequency of grace and are in harmony with Divine purpose.