Tourmalined Quartz Meanings

Purification, recovery from negative influences

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Zodiac Signs: Libra, Scorpio

Number: 4

Tourmalined Quartz Crystal Healing Properties

Tourmalined quartz repairs and clears the auric field of negativity and restores balance to the chakras. It is an ideal protection stone as it screens out destructive energy while it clears and purifies emotional patterns which can lead to more expanded spiritual states. It can aid those who are purifying their bodies after substance abuse or by improving their diets.

 History and Uses

Tourmalined Quartz is also called Tourmalinated or Tourmalated Quartz referring to the needle like inclusions of Black Tourmaline within the Clear Quartz. It is a stone for balancing yin and yang because it carries the properties of both crystals, grounding and deflecting negative energy and amplification and consciousness raising. It has been traditionally used as a good luck charm and by crystal healers to cleanse the aura.

Geological Description

Tourmalined Quartz is clear quartz with crystals of black tourmaline running through it. It has a hardness of 7 and is found in Brazil.


I am filled with and surrounded by spiritual light, which cleanses, purifies and protects me.